Subscription Process

How do I subscribe for the digital tabloid?
For Registered Users:
  • To login to your Mid-day Digital account, click on the 3 dots on the top right corner of the page and select the Login option. You can also directly go to the Login page by accessing our free page and clicking on ‘Login’ from the popup.
  • Enter your username and password on the Login page. The username and password will be the same as the ones used at the time of registration
  • If you have forgotten your username, you can refer to the confirmation mail sent on the registered email ID. You can also write to us at with your registered email address and mobile number to retrieve your username. If you have forgotten your password, you can click on ‘Forgot Password’ to reset it.
  • Once you have logged in, you will be redirected to the packages page where you select your preferred subscription package.
  • After selecting the package, you will be led to the ‘Offers’ page wherein you can avail exciting offers curated just for you.
  • On the subscription page, fill in your details and select your preferred mode of receiving the tabloid. You can always change the preference later. Click on the Proceed Payment button.
  • On the payment portal, select your mode of payment and complete the procedure.
  • Once the payment is successful, you will be directed to the confirmation page. To continue reading your favourite tabloid, click on ‘Happy Reading’
  • For any queries, please contact us on
P.S – Details/Coupon Code for the selected offers will be displayed on the confirmation page after the payment is through and also on the invoice copy sent to your email address.

For Non-Registered Users:
  • To register on Mid-day Digital Tabloid, click on the 3 dots on the top right corner of the page and select the Register option. You can also directly go to the Registration page by accessing our free page and clicking on ‘Subscribe’ from the popup
  • On the registration page, you will have to enter the following information:
    • i. Enter your full name.
    • ii. Enter your mobile number. Click on the Get OTP button to receive an OTP for your mobile number verification. Once you have received the OTP, enter it in the OTP field and click on Submit OTP. Please note, if your mobile number is already registered with us, you will need to login using the registered username and password.
    • iii. Enter you email ID.
    • iv. Enter a username. If the username is not available you will need to choose different username. In such case try using a combination of letters and numbers
    • v. Enter a password.
    • vi. Accept our Terms and Conditions by clicking on the check box.
    • vii. Click on the Submit button.
  • Once your registration is completed, you will receive an Email and a SMS from our end confirming your registration.
  • You will then have to click on the Login button to go to the login page where you will enter your username and password and click on the Login button.
  • Once you have logged in, you will be redirected to the packages page where you select your preferred subscription package.
  • After selecting the package, you will be led to the ‘Offers’ page wherein you can avail exciting offers curated just for you.
  • On the subscription page, fill in your details and select your preferred mode of receiving the tabloid. You can always change the preference later. Click on the Proceed Payment button.
  • On the payment portal, select your mode of payment and complete the procedure
  • Once the payment is successful, you will be directed to the confirmation page. To continue reading your favourite tabloid, click on ‘Happy Reading’
  • You will also receive an email from our end confirming your active subscription.
  • For any queries, please contact us on
P.S – Details/Coupon Code for the selected offers will be displayed on the confirmation page after the payment is through and also on the invoice copy sent to your email address.
For queries contact: